How to Prepare for School Picture Day

Picture day is a big day for many students as well as their parents. The older students might hope for a nice picture for the yearbook, whereas the younger students’ parents want a charming portrait for the wall at home.
In this blog post, we will discuss some helpful tips and GotPhoto features to make picture day a success for all parties – schools, students, parents, and you, the photographer. Let’s dive in and capture those perfect school pictures.

Preparations Before School Picture Day
Preparations before school picture days are essential to ensure a smooth and successful experience for everyone involved. As the photographer, you can provide tips on what to wear, how to style hair, and any other details that will help ensure a successful photo shoot. It is also helpful to create a schedule for the day so everyone knows when their turn will be and can plan accordingly.
It’s also critical to get student and parent information ahead of the shoot whenever possible, as well as class name lists. You can then upload these lists into GotPhoto as a CSV file before the shoot begins to keep everything organized!

Send Out Flyers Prior to Picture Day
Sending out flyers prior to picture day is a great way to remind schools and parents about the upcoming event and help them prepare their children for their school photos. In the flyer, it is important to offer parents some helpful advice to ensure that their child is ready for their close-up. One key tip to share is to help parents choose appropriate clothing for their child to wear on picture day. Suggesting solid colors or simple patterns can help ensure that the focus remains on the child’s face in the photos. Additionally, recommending small accessories and avoiding distracting logos or slogans on clothing can also lead to better results.
Sending out flyers prior to picture day is a great way to remind schools and parents about the upcoming event and help them prepare their children for their school photos. In the flyer, it is important to offer parents some helpful advice to ensure that their child is ready for their close-up. One key tip to share is to help parents choose appropriate clothing for their child to wear on picture day. Suggesting solid colors or simple patterns can help ensure that the focus remains on the child’s face in the photos. Additionally, recommending small accessories and avoiding distracting logos or slogans on clothing can also lead to better results.
Another important tip to include in the flyer is the idea that imperfections are okay and can even add character to the photos. Encouraging parents to let their child’s personality shine through and not worry about minor imperfections can result in more authentic and memorable pictures. Reminding parents that photographers can easily remove glare from glasses and that any hairstyle is suitable for picture day can also help alleviate any concerns they may have.
Check out our flyer templates here!

Prepare a Temporary Studio for School Picture Day
Preparing your setup for picture day is essential for a smooth and successful shoot. Knowing in advance where you will be setting up your studio and performing the shoots can help you feel organized and ready. Additionally, understanding the school’s colors and aesthetics can help you decide on the best background and setup.
It is also important to gather all necessary information from the school, such as the number of students to be photographed, parent contact information, the time allotted for each class, and if any of the students have special requirements.

Streamline Your Photography Workflow
When it comes to volume shoots like those on picture day, efficiency is key. The sheer volume of photos taken means that time is of the essence, both during the shoot and in the post-production process. And this is where GotPhoto’s solutions come in to streamline your workflow and make the entire process more efficient.
The online platform makes it easy for customers to view and order their photos, reducing the need for manual processing and increasing your revenue potential. With GotPhoto, volume shoots can be handled with ease and efficiency, allowing you to deliver exceptional results while maximizing your productivity.
Additionally, with features like QR cards, barcode scanning, the Entagged Name List app, and SpotMyPhotos facial recognition technology, GotPhoto allows you to quickly and easily manage large quantities of photos. By automating time-consuming tasks, GotPhoto helps you save time and focus on delivering high-quality images to your clients.
Volume School Photography Guide