Top Strategies for Growing Your School Photography Business

Have you ever wondered how to grow a school photography business? It requires a blend of creativity, professionalism, and strategic communication.
Effectively communicating with your clients and prospects is key to retaining them and bringing in new ones.
Our recent masterclass, “From Pitch to Picture Day: Winning Strategies for School Photographers,” is packed with insights on how to grow a school photography business.
We focus on two things: 1) effectively acquiring new schools and 2) maintaining successful communication throughout the year.
Our photography expert and masterclass host, Jeanine McLeod, has been photographing children for 15 years and enlightens us with her unique expertise in marketing funnels.
Here are some key takeaways from the masterclass.

Ways to Acquire New Schools
1. Mining Your Existing Client Database
“If someone has purchased portraits from you before, you have the right to reach out to them via email.” – Jeanine McLeod
One of the most underutilized resources in your business is your existing client database.
What’s the key here? Segmentation. How can you break up your list strategically?
An effective email should include:
- Introduction: Remind them who you are and what you do.
- Purpose: Explain why you’re reaching out and ask for their help in introducing you to their school.
- Direction: Clearly outline how they can assist you, whether by forwarding your email to the school’s director or providing a direct introduction.
For a real-life example email, be sure to download the PDF provided with the masterclass. You can access the school acquisition and communication masterclass here.
Pro tip: Include a referral reward.
For example, offer a $500 gift certificate to your studio for every introduction that leads to a school signup. Jeanine notes, “This amount is substantial enough to prompt action but still leaves room for them to spend more at your studio.”

2. Networking Events
Networking is another powerful way to grow your business.
Consider attending local networking events like Chamber of Commerce meetings to meet potential clients and partners.
To make the most of these events, prepare a concise 30-second elevator pitch that clearly states what you do and what you’re looking for.
For an example of an effective elevator pitch, be sure to watch the masterclass where Jeanine shares hers in real time, along with a strategy to get people to remember exactly what you do.

3. Cold Outreach
Cold outreach, whether via phone or a physical visit, can be intimidating, but it’s necessary.
Here are some tips if you plan to visit a school unannounced:
- Prepare a physical packet to deliver, including a cover letter, brochure, flier, sample photos, and a pricing sheet.
- Bring food to share—everyone appreciates a thoughtful gesture.
A well-prepared cold calling packet not only showcases your professionalism but also provides all the necessary information a school might need to make a decision.
In this masterclass, Jeanine provides you with a cold calling packet checklist to get you started.
4. Leveraging Existing Communications and Relationships
Maintaining good relationships with current clients can naturally lead to new opportunities and continued contracts.
When you take care of school directors and teachers, they are more likely to take you with them if they move to a new school.
Familiarity breeds trust, and if you’ve built strong relationships, directors will prefer the known over the unknown, leading to increased sales!

5. Digital Marketing and SEO
A dedicated school photography website with optimized digital marketing and SEO can significantly increase your visibility.
We encourage including your top SEO keywords on your site to attract more potential clients. A strong online presence is essential in today’s digital world, and optimizing your website is a critical step.
6. Social Media Engagement and Advertising
Social Media
Social media for advertising is a powerful tool for promoting your services.
Here are a few pro tips to fully leverage social media:
- Share behind-the-scenes content from your shoots. (Just be sure not to include photos of children without parental consent.)
- Tag schools in posts. Not only is it an opportunity to help you promote their school, it might even lead to the school reposting your content!
- Don’t be afraid to mention that you specialize in school photography on your personal social media accounts. You never know who might see your post.
Be sure to tune into the masterclass to hear tips on advertising from our expert.

Maintaining Effective Communication
Effective email communication with schools is key to building strong, long-lasting relationships. Ask yourself these questions:
- How can I utilize email communication to build trust with teachers, directors, and parents?
- What are some school picture tips to make each shoot efficient?
- How long does it take to get school pictures back?
- How many email notifications should I send out before, during, and after picture day, and when should I send them?
In the end, honing your communication processes is key to maintaining strong relationships with current clients and drawing new ones in.
For a more in-depth look at these strategies, including additional tips and downloadable resources, check out the full school acquisition and communication masterclass.
To effectively implement the strategies provided, sign up for a FREE trial of GotPhoto!
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